July 7, 2009

FBI Not Investigating Sarah Palin (Yet)

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If you look closely at this report there are still some unanswered questions. See if you can tell what I mean:

FBI Not Investigating Sarah Palin

The FBI has announced they are not investigating Sarah Palin, who announced last week she will resign as governor of Alaska, as has been rumored on the Internet, the agency said.

Palin's activities, including those as governor and mayor of the town of Wasilla, aren't being probed, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

"Sarah Palin is not the subject of an FBI investigation," said Eric Gonzalez, an FBI spokesman in Alaska, in a telephone interview today.

A lawyer for Palin, Thomas Van Flein of Anchorage, denied in a July 4 statement what he called "false and defamatory" claims on the Internet that she resigned because she is under criminal investigation related to the construction of a sports complex in her hometown of Wasilla. Allegations that Palin, 45, had embezzled from the project are false, according to Van Flein.

Palin was Republican presidential nominee John McCain's running mate when he lost to Democrat Barack Obama last year.

Federal investigators had probed allegations of corruption among other Alaska political leaders.

FBI Not Investigating Sarah Palin

Posted at July 7, 2009 4:24 AM

That's like asking Obama if he STILL beats his wife. It implies at some point he WAS a wife beater. Obamas connection to ACORN makes HIM a much better candidate for possible/probable investigation by the FBI.
I guess it's because people are unfamiliar with the concept that a politician might actually speak in plain old english. Just how many more times does the FBI have to say there is no truth to this rumor?
Palin is just trying to fulfill her campaign pledges and her opponents ,who feel threatened by her popularity, can't come up with a valid way to annihilate her. So they are willing to spend millions of Alaskan dollars, even though they know the charges will be tossed. They do this because they know palin will have to pay from her own pocket to answer these stupid lies. As they have been filing on average 3 of these complaints a month. This results in tying up Palin and her entire staff. The end result is that the nothing can get done.

Posted by: notdallas at July 7, 2009 2:20 PM

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