June 17, 2009

AT&T Offering Free Upgrade to iPhone 3G S

If you're an iPhone owner, check the fine print!

AT&T Offering Free Upgrade to iPhone 3G S

Buried in Walt Mossberg's iPhone 3G S review: AT&T (T) has changed its mind and will offer "eligible" subscribers a cheaper upgrade to Apple's (AAPL) new iPhone 3G S. Through Sept. 30, it will offer the 3G S for $199/$299 (depending on capacity), and not charge iPhone 3G owners a $200 premium. But it's still not crystal clear who's eligible for the new price.

Here's AT&T's official announcement:

We’re now pleased to offer our iPhone 3G customers who are upgrade eligible in July, August or September 2009 our best upgrade pricing, beginning Thursday, June 18.

If you’re one of the many customers who will benefit from this change, please note that our upgrade eligibility tools will reflect this change on Thursday, June 18.

We invite you to come to our stores beginning Friday during normal store hours, although please be aware that customer demand may exceed supply in some of our stores. You may also preorder online on June 18 at www.att.com/iPhone, and your iPhone 3G S will arrive in 7 — 14 days. Or you can purchase iPhone 3G S at Apple’s retail and online stores, as well as at other popular retailers.

AT&T Offering Free Upgrade to iPhone 3G S

Posted at June 17, 2009 1:23 PM

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