March 2, 2009

VIDEO: Spread the Word to End the Word

"Spread the Word to End the Word" is a campaign to educate people about the word "retarded," and why it's considered offensive and should not be used. As a general principle I'm not down with trying to ban a word, which is how this campaign is framed in some of its videos. But I've got no beef at all with reminding people that it's wack and insulting to use the word "retarded," and it's a bad habit everyone should try to drop.

The Special Olympics is helping to lead this movement, on behalf of the millions of people with intellectual disabilities. Here are some of the videos promoting the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign. "Spread the Word to End the Word" day is 3/31/09.

"Spread the Word to End the Word" Videos

Spread the Word to End the Word" PSA Videos

VIDEO: Spread the Word to End the Word

Posted at March 2, 2009 1:03 PM

Start a Facebook GROUP entitled 3-31-09, A Group to Spread the word to end 'The Word'.
When I saw youJohn C McGinley on Bonnie Hunt I searched to see if there was a Facebook group for this, and there isn't but there should be. I have been struggling for a decade to raise awareness in my children as that is a word they use out of habit, as we use to use 'Dumb' or 'Stupid' in my generation- they use the 'R' word. My old boyfriend was very sensitive to that word because he has a brother who is a ward of the State in England, born severely mentally handicapped and his daughter and her friends used it constantly as well- trying to get todays youth to be more understanding to it's true meaning and not use it as the slang word it's become requires editing and awareness of what comes out of your mouth!
Please create this site and invite me to join!

Posted by: Peggy Stavropoulos at March 2, 2009 3:53 PM

Start a Facebook GROUP entitled 3-31-09, A Group to Spread the word to end 'The Word'.
When I saw youJohn C McGinley on Bonnie Hunt I searched to see if there was a Facebook group for this, and there isn't but there should be. I have been struggling for a decade to raise awareness in my children as that is a word they use out of habit, as we use to use 'Dumb' or 'Stupid' in my generation- they use the 'R' word. My old boyfriend was very sensitive to that word because he has a brother who is a ward of the State in England, born severely mentally handicapped and his daughter and her friends used it constantly as well- trying to get todays youth to be more understanding to it's true meaning and not use it as the slang word it's become requires editing and awareness of what comes out of your mouth!
Please create this site and invite me to join!

Posted by: Peggy Stavropoulos at March 2, 2009 3:53 PM

Hi Peggy,
There is a Facebook group event called 'End the R-Word Day 3.31.09' and a cause called 'Campaign to Ban "R" Word.' Anyone can join without an invite. The links are: (for the cause) and (for the event)

Posted by: Jen at March 2, 2009 4:54 PM

I also saw you John C McGinley on the Bonnie Hunt Show,where can I purchase some T-Shirts like you had on the show.Our team is called TEAM STOKES for the Maryland Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge.I've learned alot about the word R in the last couple of years. Thanks You.

Posted by: Howard Stokes Jr. at March 5, 2009 9:04 AM