July 20, 2008

Anderson Silva vs James Irvin (VIDEO)

The baddest man around, Anderson Silva vs James Irvin.

Anderson Silva vs James Irvin sherdog.com:

Silva and Irvin kick off the main event with Mario Yamasaki serving as referee. They meet in the center of the octagon with Silva scoring an inside leg kick. Silva is staying back mostly, looking for an opening while Irvin tries to stalk him around the cage. Irvin throws a leg kick but Silva catches it and lays Irvin out with a straight right. A quick blitz of punches on a prone Irvin forces Yamasaki to halt the contest at 1:01 of the first round.

Anderson Silva vs James Irvin (VIDEO)

Posted at July 20, 2008 3:28 PM
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Posted by: alisha at July 23, 2008 10:07 PM