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June 2008 Archives

June 24, 2008

Christie Brinkley Divorce

I'm posting this in the hopes that someone can explain why I should care about it.

Christie Brinkley divorce drama begins


Christie Brinkley divorce proceedings aren't underway yet but already the spectacle has begun. You may recall the 54-year-old Brinkley filed for divorce from Peter Cook after catching him cheating with a 19-year-old office assistant. If that wasn't humiliation enough, Brinkley now has to deal with Cook's new love inserting herself into the messy divorce proceedings.

After Brinkley kicked him to the curb, Cook began dating single mom Suzanne Shaw. She's the former lover of a Park Avenue dentist who dumped her when she was six months pregnant. Because of that experience, she says she sympathizes with Brinkley. "I've been there, and I feel for her," Shaw said.

However, Shaw is concerned about the public beating she is sure Brinkley has planned for Cook and would like the former supermodel to back off her boyfriend for the sake of the kids. "He obviously made a mistake," she says. "But one mistake doesn't erase years of being a good person.

About June 2008

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