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September 2006 Archives

September 5, 2006

Jesus Camp Trailer

This trailer scared me more than the trailer for Grudge 2

September 8, 2006

Investigative Reporter Gets His Ass Kicked

Towards the end of this video clip is where you can see the fight in its entirety. I just want to know, what the hell is the camera man doing while this guy gets his face punched in and his ribs broken?!?! If I were the reporter, I would kick the camera man's ass after I got better.

September 14, 2006

Kid thinks he's falling from ride

The description on the page says it best...

This poor kid thinks he's falling out of an amusement park ride, although he actually is strapped in tight. This is a very rare real combination of horror and laughter captured within the same sequence.

Street Fight in St. Petersburg, Russia

Now THIS is a fight...

September 25, 2006

Madonna in Space

It seems Madonna is interested in visiting space. Good for her.

Madonna to extend world tour… offworld?

September 28, 2006

Online Gambling Not Banned Yet

For the moment, the rush to legislate the ban on online gambling has been slowed. Senator John Warner, (R) from Virginia, has refused to allow a ban on online gambling to be tacked onto an upcoming defense bill. Opponents of online gambling were hoping to tack their measure on to a "must pass" bill but will apparently be forced to delay. Congress recesses in one week, giving only a few days left if this measure is to be passed before the November 7th elections.

Online gambling bill hits snags in Congress

September 29, 2006

Giant Insect Invades Germany


Not only invading, but it looks like it took a dump on Germany...

About September 2006

This page contains all entries posted to The Inane Asylum in September 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2006 is the previous archive.

October 2006 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.