July 3, 2011

Casey Anthony's Defense Closing Argument (VIDEO)

America was riveted all day today by the drama of Jose Baez's closing arguments in the Casey Anthony case, as you canwatch below.

Closing arguments for the defens were the big story today in the case of The State of Florida vs Casey Anthony, as defense attorney Jose Baez gave a long and rambling closing argument for his client, reaching for any strand of doubt he could to try and save his client from getting convicted for killing her daughter. Baez questioned the accusations that Casey simply didn't care about the child's welfare, and wanted to "go party."

Baez said: "I think you probably have more questions than you have answers," Baez said. "How did Caylee die? What happened to her? Those questions were never answered. That evidence was never presented." See below for video and more details.

Casey Anthony Closing Arguments (VIDEO)

Baez began the argument of his life this morning - the final argument that he hopes will save Casey Anthony's life. He thanked the jurors for their sacrifice and time to fulfill their civic duty, but said first-degree murder was not proven. Baez raised questions about people who did not smell the stench of death in Casey's car. He also threw back blame at George Anthony, again suggesting he knew something about Caylees death. "He wanted to distance himself from the situation. He knew she was dead," Baez said. If state had tracked George's comings and goings "you probably would have more answers but you don't," he added.

Casey Anthony Closing Arguments (VIDEO)

Posted at July 3, 2011 2:58 PM