March 16, 2011

Petra Nemcova Dancing for Japan?

Petra Nemcova has vowed to dance on for Japan on Dancing With The Stars, adfter considering dropping out of the show because the tragedy hit so close to home for the model.

Nemcova herself was a survivor of the last big tsunami a few years ago, so she knows how terrible this sort of tragedy is. And she has decided to stay on the show so she can help bring attention and aid to those in Japan and around the world who are coping with the aftermath of natural disasters. She said "I do think that we can overcome adversity if we strive to make something good out of a difficult situation. We can learn something."

Petra Nemcova Dancing for Japan?

Petra Nemcova may be one of the most beautiful women in the world, but she's got such a big heart she almost quit Dancing With The Stars to help out the victims of the Japanese tsunami! The tragedy hits especially close to home for Petra, 31, since she was seriously injured in a 2004 tsunami in Thailand. The wave left her with a shattered pelvis, struggling for survival, while her fiancé Simon Atlee was swept away in the aftermath.

Petra Nemcova Dancing for Japan?

Posted at March 16, 2011 7:00 AM