January 5, 2011

Couple Weds, Take Chilly Plunge (PICS)

One couple in Philadelphia has found a creative way to make their marriage vows stick, one that no wedding planner would ever come up with: they're saying "I do," then taking a dive into icy cold waters along with the Polar Bear Club.

Their wedding made lots of news, as they got married on a water taxi on the fateful date of 1-1-11, and then diving into the freezing cold water along with hundreds of other Polar Bear Club members who each year engage in the daredevil activity.

Many couples like to do something special for their wedding, or have a very special wedding party, but its not often that people do something that sounds so, well unpleasant! Then again, perhaps this will make their marital bliss that much sweeter!

Couple Weds, Take Chilly Plunge

A Pennsylvania couple took a frigid plunge to symbolize taking another plunge -- their marriage. Judy Herilla and Adam Lipinski were among hundreds of members of the Pittsburgh Polar Bear Club who jumped into the Monongahela River on New Year's Day. Unlike the others, they had just gotten married aboard a water taxi. Herilla, of Springdale, wore a veil and a long purple-and-white tutu with her swimsuit. Lipinski wore a T-shirt with a tuxedo design and shorts.

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Posted at January 5, 2011 8:19 AM