June 14, 2010

Oil Spill Hardships: Pets, Shelters

As America, and the world, continue to reel from the effects of the worst oil spill in our history, new effects are being evaluated that hadn't even been considered yet in most news reports.

According to an animal welfare society in the area, pets are also suffering from the effects of the disaster, as shelters are packed much more than usual. The problem is that local residents may be worried about their finances and their future, and reconsidering whether they can support pets in addition to the rest of their family. Said one representatice of the shelter. "They are worried about when their next paycheck is going to come. I'm sure animals might be something I guess they feel they might have to depart with, because they have to make choices, some tough choices."

Oil Spill Hardships: Pets, Shelters

The trickle-down effect of the oil spill can now be felt inside animal shelters along coastal parishes. Unemployed fisherman are struggling to support both their families and their pets, leaving many with no choice but to try and give away their animals. Inside the back room of the Plaquemines Parish Animal Welfare Society (P.A.W.S.) shelter, you can hear a whimpering from Dexter. The puppy is one of more than 40 dogs caged inside the facility. While none have a drop of oil on them, they are still very much suffering because of it. Their rescue shelter is packed, every cage filled. And the waiting list for people trying to drop off their pets here is now 20 percent longer than normal

Oil Spill Hardships: Pets, Shelters

Posted at June 14, 2010 3:11 AM