June 10, 2010

Natasha Alam & True Blood (PHOTO LINK)

Natasha Alam is joining the sexy cast of True Blood this season, and she's wasting no time getting nude on camera.

In this Sunday's season premiere of the hot HBO Vampire drama, Natasha Alam makes her debut, and she says it was very intimidating since as a young actress she had never done such a nude scene before. But her co-star, the sinister but sexy vampire Alexander Skarsgard, was a big help in getting her comfortable.

Alam said "I've never done nudity before, so I was really, really worried at how I'm gonna, what's the rule, how [are] you supposed to handle yourself and stuff and Alexander helped me so much. He just walked in, in the room, dropped his robe and he was all out there, no sock, nothing and I was like, 'Oh, OK, so [it's] that easy? I can do it too."

Natasha Alam & True Blood (PHOTO LINK)

Natasha Alam is the latest beauty to join the cast of "True Blood," and the statuesque actress, whose first on screen appearance on the show occurs on Sunday's Season 3 premiere, will be making plenty of waves in the coming weeks. As Yvetta, a new dancer at Eric Northman's (Alexander Skarsgard) club Fangtasia, Natasha will be spending plenty of time in various states of undress and she told AccessHollywood.com about shooting one scene that finds her without a scrap on.

Posted at June 10, 2010 2:13 AM