May 25, 2010

Brittany Murphy's Husband

Just months after the tragic and mysterious death of actress Brittany Murphy, more shock and tragedy as her husband Simon Monjack has now been found dead in the same home.

It is reported so far that he died of natural causes, but suspicions are sure to remain with this death coming so soon after hers, and the indications of drugs being involved in their relationship before she died. Monjack was a screenwriter, and echieved some moderate success, working on a well reviewed indie film named Factoryt girl. He also is credited as the writer/director and producer of a little known British indie drama called "Two Days, Nine Lives." But he was best known by far for being

Brittany Murphy's Husband

A mere five months after actress Brittany Murphy died tragically from a lethal mix of pneumonia, iron deficiency and multiple drugs in her system, her eyebrow raising husband Simon Monjack has also perished. Monjack was found dead on Sunday night at the couple's Hollywood home. The Los Angeles County coroner's office confirmed the news. Monjack was 39 and a screenwriter from Britain. He was found dead when the Los Angeles Fire Department was called to the residence for a medical emergency. According to People, police spokesman Sgt. Louie Lozano said the preliminary cause of death was natural causes, but investigators remained at the scene for further, well, investigation.

Brittany Murphy's Husband

Posted at May 25, 2010 2:37 AM