March 17, 2010

Marcelas Owens: Mother Died Without Health Care

An 11 year old boy named Marcelas Owens has become a leader in the fight for health care reform, as he speaks out on behalf of his mother who passed away.

Marcelas lost his mom to pulmonary hypertension, a chronic health condition that led her to lose her job.

After losing the job she no longer had health insurance, leaving her unable to get the care she needed for this condition.

Now Owens is speaking out and letting the world know about his story, before the historic health care reform vote this week.

Marcelas said: "I don't want any other kids to go through the pain that our family has gone through. My grandma and I want Barack Obama and Congress and everybody to come together and to help get the health care bill passed." For more see below:

Marcelas Owens: Mother

Marcelas Owens, an 11-year-old from Seattle, headlined a press conference with Senate Democratic leadership on Thursday, telling a packed room of reporters that he wanted the president and Congress to come together and pass health insurance reform. "I am here because of my mom," said Owens. "My mom was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension in 2006. She missed so much work she lost her job. And when my mom lost her job, she lost her health care. And losing her health care ended up costing her her life..."

Marcelas Owens: Mother

Posted at March 17, 2010 9:00 AM