March 28, 2010

American Idol Ending?

Is American Idol gone for good after this year??

so goes the latest Hollywood whispering, as the show goes through its last season with founder and evil mastermind Simon Cowell up there on the judge's panel.

Starting next year Simon will be leaving to run his new show the X Factor (which seems like practically the same show with a different name.)

And with Paula Abdul already gone, many have wondered whether Idol would survive for long. Now it appears they may not even try to sustain it without the demonic life force of Cowell.

The source of this rumor sees to be Star Magazine, and I suppose you can decide for yourself how trustworthy that makes it.

Another quote though says the show will continue until 2012 and then end: " the show will have been on the air for more than a decade, and the producers figure that's long enough...FOX is planning to conclude the show in three years, and why they've signed host Ryan Seacrest to a new contract for three years."

American Idol Ending?

We saw this coming! Rumor has it American Idol is going to be over after next season! The show is pretty much falling apart at the seems--first with Paula Abdul leaving due to contractual reasons, and now Simon Cowell is leaving Idol in the dust for his new show The X Factor. Star magazine claims next season will be the show's last. "Producers know Simon really makes the show, and they feel like they could go only one season without him and the quality will suffer after that," says a show source.

American Idol Ending?

Posted at March 28, 2010 5:08 AM