February 5, 2010

This Is the Saints First Super Bowl

This will be a historic Superbowl, as the proud city of New Orleans will see their Saints compete in their first Super Bowl ever!

The Saints may be slight underdogs, going into the Super Bowl against the veteran Colts, but hopes are high that this talented team led by Drew Brees can make football history with their first Super Bowl win. New Orleans has a compelling story with all the hardship they continue to overcome after Katrina, and the proud, rich cultural history they carry with them. I like both teams but I'm definitely hoping to see the Saints get their first Super Bowl, especially since the celebration can roll right into Mardi Gras!

This Is the Saints First Super Bowl

Though now physically separated from the Who Dat Nation, Benack has been with it in spirit. He described his reaction to the Saints coming to South Florida as "euphoric." "We lived through Katrina and the whole nine yards, and for us, this is just so special. It means more than just a game. "I was here working at the restaurant when the (NFC Championship) game was on, and I was a nervous wreck," Benack said. "When they won, I started balling like a little baby. People were coming in from the dining room to watch the game and cheering us on...

This Is the Saints First Super Bowl

Posted at February 5, 2010 10:28 AM