February 16, 2010

Taliban's Second in Command Captured (VIDEO)

This week brought a major turning point in Pakistan's struggle with the Taliban, and a key turning point for America and the globe as well, as the Taliban's second in command was successfully captured. The Taliban's top strategist, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, was captured by Pakistan in an operation whose details remain secret. Since he was captured by Pakistan and not the United States, it is pointed out that he may not be safe from torture sch as waterboarding.

Pakistan has been struggling to push back Taliban infiltration of their country for years, a key issue in American foreign policy since Pakistan is a nuclear power. Much of Obama's Afghanistan policy is aimed at addressing the Pakistan situation. Baradar is considered second in command to Mullah Omar, but moresavvy and politically aware, and to put it another way Baradar is widely thought of as the brains of the operation, so losing him, and possibly having him give up information, could be a huge blow to the Taliban. Or we can hope, at least.

Taliban's Second in Command Captured (VIDEO)

The capture of the Taliban's second in command deals a serious blow to the Taliban and represents a potential turning point for Pakistan's government, military officials say. The loss of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar would deprive the Afghanistan insurgency of its top-ranked military mastermind at a time when U.S. forces are in the midst of a major push to roll back Taliban gains in the country. ``It is going to be a big deal, certainly a major blow,'' a senior Pakistani military official said, speaking of the capture on condition of anonymity...

Taliban's Second in Command Captured (VIDEO)

Posted at February 16, 2010 8:59 AM