January 12, 2010

Same Sex Marriage Trial

A landmark same sex marriage trial is making its way to a high court this week, as triel gets underway on California's controversial Proposition 8, banning gay marriage.

The case, in federal court, reviews once again whether it is fair and legal to stop gay couples fro marrying, after a hard fought battle in California where church groups from outside the state made a huge effort to sway the vote. Personally I think the state should just be taken out of the marriage business, whether gay, straight or other, and the government should only oversee civil unions across the board. But if the state is going to be in charge of who is married or not, it ought to be for everybody!

Same Sex Marriage Trial

"What does it mean," Theodore B. Olson asked his client, Kristin M. Perry, "to be a lesbian?" Mr. Olson's question came during...the first day of the trial here on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, California's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. It is a case that is expected to feature three weeks of evidence, experts and...emotionally charged testimony on everything from the nature of gay sexuality to the nature of a romantic same-sex marriage proposal...

Same Sex Marriage Trial

Posted at January 12, 2010 10:47 AM