December 21, 2009

Toddler: Needles Removed, in Surgery!

A toddler whose stepdad tried to kill him by forcing needles into his body has successfully survived an operation to remove some of the needles.

The boy is now in stable condition after successful surgery in Brazil. The man pushed the sewing needles into the toddler's body in a strange ritual, that the stepfather has now admitted was a plot to kill the boy. The surgery was the first of many the boy will need, as needles remain embedded in other parts of his body including his spine, and as the needles are rusty there is still serious danger of infection and complications. A scary story! The man apparently says his lover hypnotized him and forced him to do it while in a trance? See below and try to make sense of the full story.

Toddler: Needles Removed, in Surgery

A Brazilian toddler was awake and breathing on his own Saturday after doctors removed four life-threatening sewing needles from around one of his lungs and his heart, but he was likely to face more surgery in the coming days, a hospital director said.The 2-year-old boy -- who police say had dozens of the needles stuck deep into his body by his stepfather in a bizarre ritual, is hoped to be on his way to a full recovery...

Toddler: Needles Removed, in Surgery

Posted at December 21, 2009 9:48 AM