December 26, 2009

Sorrell Trope Drops Britney Spears

Sorrell Trope, known as the king celebrity divorce lawyers, would usually never back down from a court battle. But recently there was one celebrity he found so hard to work with, he wound up dropping her cse and walking away: Britney Spears.

Trope was representing Britney Spears in her divorce proceedings with Kevin Federline, but complained of constant "communication problems" with his client, and eventually decided the best thing to do was back out of representing her. Since the divorce process was already under way, he had to get special permission from the court to be relieved of his duties representing her, which was eventually granted. Hopefully Britney Spears is in a healthier place now than she was back then, she certainly seems a bit more together and grounded.

Sorrell Trope Drops Britney Spears

Britney Spears's divorce lawyer was in court Wednesday seeking permission to drop the troubled pop star as a client in her custody case with Kevin Federline. Sorrell Trope and an attorney for Federline emerged from the closed-door session without comment. The matter was continued until next Tuesday. Trope, of the law firm Trope and Trope, requested the substitution-of-attorney hearing before an L.A. court commissioner...

Sorrell Trope Drops Britney Spears

Posted at December 26, 2009 6:45 PM