December 30, 2009

Chris Brown Quits Twitter, Album Fails

After several days of angry rants that plamed everyone but himself for his own poor album sales, someone must have whispered in Chris Brown's ear, because he abruptly decided to cut his losses and just hop off of twitter completely, even shutting his account down.

Chris Brown had been ranting and raving about supposedly being "blackballed" by the industry, as stores allegedly refused to put his CD on the shelves (gee why would they do that?). He followed it up by the boast, "I ain't retracting S**T!" However by the end of the week he had retracted his entire twitter existence. Hopefully his spiritual advisors are working a little harder on getting him to understand what it means to take responsibility for your actions and accept the consuquences.

Chris Brown Quits Twitter, Album Fails

Days after using Twitter to call retail giant Walmart liars for "blackballing" his new album from their stores (which they aren't), Chris Brown has made like Miley and quit the micro-blogging craze. Brown's Twitter home, @mechanicalDummy now "doesn't exist," leaving fans wondering: what happened to Chris?

Chris Brown Quits Twitter, Album Fails

Posted at December 30, 2009 4:00 AM