November 29, 2009

Philip Morris: Counterfeit Cigarette Lawsuit!

Philip Morris is often in the news for being on the wrong ewnd of lawsuits, but this time they're the ones suing, as they try to shut down widespread counterfeit cigarette salesm of their Marlboro brand.

The legal action focuses on te NY area, where counterfeiting allegedly runs rampant because of the huge taxes imposed on cigarettes there. As my fellow New Yorkers will know, one pack of cigarettes can cost over ten dollars here! Not that I care, since I value my own life and thus do not smoke. [/self-righteousness]

Seriously though, I recommend getting over your addiction and quitting smoking, buty if you must smoke you probably shouldn't buy these counterfeits Philip Morris is going after, because who knows what might be in them! I eanhere might be some kind of poison, that causes cancer or emphysema or- oh wait...

Philip Morris: Counterfeit Cigarette Lawsuit!
abc news

Philip Morris USA, the nation's largest tobacco company, said Thursday it has filed federal lawsuits accusing 10 New York and New Jersey retailers of selling counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes...

Philip Morris: Counterfeit Cigarette Lawsuit!

Posted at November 29, 2009 3:36 AM

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