November 9, 2009

New Gene Therapy Halts 2 Boys' Rare Brain Disease

A miraculous story from France, where doctors for the first time pulled off a new gene therapy, and found it halts 2 boys' rare brain disease.

The boys suffered from adrenoleukodystrophy, also known as ALD, a serious brain disease made famous in the movie "Lorenzo's Oil." Normally the disease is untreatable, but these doctors in France figured out how to use the HIV virus, change it so it does not transmit AIDS but instead simply carries this new gene into the boys bodies so it will fight the brain disease!

Here's hoping research will continue to succeed in realm of medical science, and politics annd such won't keep this work from getting funded.

New Gene Therapy Halts 2 Boys' Rare Brain Disease

French scientists mixed gene therapy and bone marrow transplants in two boys to seemingly halt a brain disease that can kill by adolescence. The surprise ingredient: They disabled the HIV virus so it couldn't cause AIDS, and then used it to carry in the healthy new gene...

New Gene Therapy Halts 2 Boys' Rare Brain Disease

Posted at November 9, 2009 10:26 AM

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