November 13, 2009

Mark Todd Shot Fort Hood Suspect

By now everyone has heard about the heroism of Sergeant Kimberly Munley in facing down the Fort Hood killer, but now new witnesses are giving credit to her partner Mark Todd as well, saying Sergeant Mark Todd shot fort Hood suspect Malik Hasan, after he had shot down his partner Munley and was fumbling with his pistol.

The original report by the authorities had Munley returning fire herself, after being wounded by Hasan, but now a witness has reported seeing Todd as the one who neutralized Hasan as he was attempting to reload his gun, saving his partner as well as the many others still alive on the base. No word yet on why, if true, this was not reflected in the initial reports. But I see no need to quibble too much, certainly there's enough room to call them both heroes.

Mark Todd Shot Fort Hood Suspect

A witness, who asked not to be identified, said Major Hasan wheeled on Sergeant Munley as she rounded the corner of a building and shot her, putting her on the ground. And then Senior Sgt. Mark Todd, a veteran police officer, rounded another corner of the building, found Major Hasan fumbling with his weapon and shot him...

Mark Todd Shot Fort Hood Suspect

Posted at November 13, 2009 3:48 AM


Posted by: Anonymous at November 13, 2009 8:37 AM

There are an estimated 2643 daily tips of suspicous activity worthy of investigation. Not going to win them all.

Posted by: michael at November 13, 2009 9:29 AM

It is time to stop, being afraid of hurting peoples feelings by calling things what they really are. time to grow up. Because we look real stupid to the rest of the world

Posted by: ron jones at November 13, 2009 10:10 AM

To bad they missed his head!! They are ALL heros period end of story!

Posted by: sfla_goddess at November 13, 2009 10:12 AM

I hope he does not get the death sentence. If he does he will be a martyr for all the other sick minds in the world. The sweetest justice would be for him to spend ther rest of his life at Fort Levenworth under the care and custody or the United States Military.

Posted by: Joseph Parsons at November 13, 2009 10:13 AM

If Hasan is put in jail for the rest of his life---he will be recruiting many disturbed and criminal minded inmates that may be getting out of jail. I think it's funny that Homeland Security has no problem calling Christians and independent voters homegrown terrorists yet they do not want to mention Muslim terrorist. This guy was a plant---Muslim extremist are patient--they don't care how long it takes to infiltrate.

Posted by: Joannne at November 13, 2009 10:22 AM

I think we should thank Officers Munley and Todd for not killing Maj. Hassan. Now, he can find out how Americans really feel about him and his distorted beliefs. I'm wondering though, why is he only being charged with multiple counts of murder? Didn't his action warrant a charge of treason, too?

Posted by: coldwarsoldier at November 13, 2009 10:31 AM

We have to quit being politically correct. If you are a Muslim, anyone who isn't, is an infadel. The peaceful religion is a joke. Religious freedom for Muslims, only applies to them. Make their religion a religion banned from the US. Let us start the next crusade. Shouldn't his actions be classified as hate crimes? Lets not upset the Muslim community. For the Muslim community to be accepted as a peaceful religion, the peaceful ones need to police up their violent brothers. If this was done maybe I could accept them. They have declared war on us. We need to end this war right now, one way or another.

Posted by: Gus at November 13, 2009 10:42 AM

I know a chair is no match for a pistol, but I wonder if anyone through there chair at him when he was shooting? It would have an effect!
and even if it made you a target if every one through just 1 chair. I know I would be tempted.

Posted by: Markie Mark at November 13, 2009 10:43 AM

It is propoganda from a horrific incident. I applaud that Munley is a female and put her life in the line of duty (and probably beyond), but it should not have immediately been reported with out investigative fact of how the whole incident went down. Someone (reporters probably) wanted to push the female card and I applaud Ms Munley but now it appears another officer (Mark Todd) may not have been properly reported as to the heroism displayed. I will await the final report.

What this shows though is a lack of responsibility for improper fact reporting , even after this incident happened. It points out that with real facts in hand, how in the heck do we expect to get the real full truth (without years of investigation) about Hasan's real activity before this shooting as to where responsibility lies for all his now reported past activities that led up to this disaster. Can we put faith into the government or reports to truthfully tell the american public about incidents with this obviously blantant disregard to dissemination of information.

There is more trouble brewing deeper here than this shooting incident....and by the way...I was born on Ft Hood and served 8 years in the military for my country and my Dad 25 years in the Army. Either way I am glad one mentally ill person has been removed as a public menace and Like Saddam Hussien should quickly be dealt with and not stretch this out for years or decades.

Posted by: Syneonix at November 13, 2009 10:45 AM

I say we take Hasan, feed him pork as his last meal and then execute him by firing squad with bullets dipped in pig blood. By the Muslim religion, consumption of pork would make him an infidel and send him to hell. It would send a hard, distinct message to the hard-line, extremist Muslims.

Posted by: Butch at November 13, 2009 11:12 AM

This act of terrorisum should have been prevented and 14 lives were needlessly lost. The Army, the administration, the mainstream media an our politically correct society needs to quit pussyfooting around the issue and call it like it is Extreme Islamic "Musluim" Terrorisum. The investigation involving the fact of this case needs to pin the tail on the donkey and its us!

Posted by: TM at November 13, 2009 11:23 AM

I do not believe in the death penalty for anyone. God gave us life and only God has the right to take it away. It doesn't mean let the people who have done wrong go just means let them stay in prison for the rest of their lives. As for the shooting that happen my heart goes out to the families of the ones who were shoot as well as the shoo tees. I don't care who brought the gunman down I am grateful to everyone who showed up that day and followed protocol. They are all heroes and deserve that honor. God Bless

Posted by: Amanda at November 13, 2009 11:25 AM

I am sick and tired of the Muslim community telling us that their religion is a peaceful one. If it is a peaceful one, why aren't they taking a stand against this crap. Until they do, you cannot blame people for religious profiling. All we see is the violence they create and the lives that they take. In their eyes we are evil infidels. more political correctness, I think it is time that the U.S. take a stand and take care of business. We have given these people break after break...most of us Americans are fed up with it and want our politicians to stand up to these people, or we will vote someone in who will.

Posted by: Mr. Davis at November 13, 2009 11:47 AM

Amanda, your an idiot! Obviously you dont read the Bible. God made life and took it by commanding individuals like David who slew Goliath and Gideon who defeated thousand with only 300. God also gave authority to our elected officials to ordain death penalties, that we follow the lead of our elected officials wheather we like it or not as long as it does not conflict against God laws. I agree man cannot make a law higher than God's but we sure try.

There is alot of idiotic thinking like yours Amanda that has us in this quagmire of conflicting rules of engagement, basically due to ignorance. Amanda, how do you expect things like this not to happen with many people not understanding the root of wisdom in all things when you yourself do not understand the root (Bible-God) that you mentioned. And you are only one person. It may not be perfect but our elected officials do thier best and if we disagree..WE THE PEOPLE in our democratic socitey are to blame if we continue to let the people we elected do things contrary what the majority of us believe and want. We the People have become complacent. It is great for our hearts and prayers to go out to the victims families, that is compassion, but that does not cover our ineptitude to inaction to govern our elected officials to deal with these situations the way we want much polictical correctness is what is killing is killing us to continue to let the status quo be the status quo. Amanda the reason you are allowed to say that killing is because of ALL the millions of killing that americans have died for great country. I wish we lived in Utopia and noone was ever killed for any reason but there is no Utopia. Latin root meaning The word comes from the Greek: οὐ, "not", and τόπος, "place" Essentially No dosent exist and as long as the is no such place we will always have an imperfect world with Killings and the whole gamut.


Posted by: Syneonix at November 13, 2009 11:53 AM

This was the act of a crazy person who happens to be Muslim and yes, the 9/11 terrorists were also Muslim but when Right Wing Christians kill doctors, do we call them Christian Terrorists and condemn Christianity? There are and will always be crazy people in this world but one cannot comdemn any religion because of the actions of some within that religion. Whether Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist, don't we see the irony for all the killing "In the name of God"? The next time there is a school massacre I bet we do not hear "Oh my God, did you see what those Baptists did?" That is just as ridiculous as condemning the entire Muslim religion.

Posted by: dbarnes at November 13, 2009 11:54 AM

They need to stake this guy down and shoot him 14 times in non lethal places.

Posted by: T at November 13, 2009 11:56 AM

It's the MILITARY!! Why are they being politically correct when they have to face down this crap everyday? You don't like the friggin rules? Get the hell out and stay out. How many muslims are in our military? I thought they opposed aggression and professed peaceful resolutions to problems. BULL!!! They are liars and murderers and continue to be.

Posted by: e.wagadorn at November 13, 2009 11:57 AM

It's the MILITARY!! Why are they being politically correct when they have to face down this crap everyday? You don't like the friggin rules? Get the hell out and stay out. How many muslims are in our military? I thought they opposed aggression and professed peaceful resolutions to problems. BULL!!! They are liars and murderers and continue to be.

Posted by: e.wagadorn at November 13, 2009 11:57 AM

You werent listening or reading very well dbarnes...we are saying that if the religion is to be accepted then they need to take a stand against the violent faction of their religion. And as far as Right Wing Christians go...same for them, or anyone person who commits violence and then uses the name of their God as a "shield" for their acts.
If a person kill in the name of a religion, then it is no longer considered a religion, it is a cult. Besides if you really cared about your religion and someone was going around slaughtering people in the name of it, wouldn't you be jumping up and down and denouncing it? I don't see that happening.

Posted by: Mr. Davis at November 13, 2009 12:04 PM

An additional note....The high leadership of the Muslim religion needs to denounce these acts and cut ties with these people after they do these acts. I have yet to see that Osama Bin Laden denounced by the Muslim world. So lets see who can make the comment "you shouldn't condemn the entire Muslim religion" now.

Posted by: Mr. Davis at November 13, 2009 12:36 PM

Why not just analyze the bullets removed from the suspect during his operation and do ballistic tests to determine which gun fired did the damage or maybe from both guns. Easy answer to get but would deny the media a story they plan to drag out for ratings. What is so difficult about this answer?

Posted by: Mallchok at November 13, 2009 1:21 PM

Why not just analyze the bullets removed from the suspect during his operation and do ballistic tests to determine which gun fired did the damage or maybe from both guns. Easy answer to get but would deny the media a story they plan to drag out for ratings. What is so difficult about this answer?

Posted by: Mallchok at November 13, 2009 1:21 PM

I am very tired of the irresponsability of the media. when anybody in the middle east gets into a car, or strapps himself with a bomb they are terrorist this guy in Fort Hood enter with pistols an ammo and killed and wounded as many as he could knowing that he most likely will be killed ther. So why the media and the president of this country do not call this guy a Terrorist???

Posted by: Anonymous at November 13, 2009 1:32 PM

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