October 28, 2009

Sen. Olympia Snowe & Reid

Harry Reid's latest salvos in the health care reform battle could lead to a battle between Sen. Olympia Snowe and Reid.

Sen. Snowe had made big news by becoming the first prominent Republican to approve of a Democratic reform bill, but with Harry Reid's announcement of his more aggressive proposal, including a limited version of the much debated public option, Snowe now says she could not vote with the Democrats on Reid's bill as it is. This could become crucial as the Democrats seemto have lost that weaselly Joe Lieberman guy already...but there is sure to be more change between now and any final vote, so we'll see.

Sen. Olympia Snowe & Reid


Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) has already suggested she won't vote for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's health care bill if it comes to the floor. Now she says she could prevent it from getting there in the first place...

Sen. Olympia Snowe & Reid

Posted at October 28, 2009 3:15 AM

In a state with high Insurance costs due to a lack of competition between Companies.On this issue, she is not serving her constituents well. We need to see how much money each member of Congress gets from these companies and then size that up with how they vote on this issue! We send them to Washington to represent us not big business!

Posted by: George Kennedy at October 28, 2009 8:06 AM

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