October 12, 2009

Bruce Springsteen Giants stadium Farewell! (VIDEO)

After making so much history there, Jersey's patron saint Bruce Springsteen is giving a final concert to help bid Giants Stadium Farewell!

60,000 plus fans rocked out to all the Springsteen classics as only a Jersey music loving crowd can, saying a raucous goodbye to the historic arena. Boy do I wish I'd had concert tickets for this one! But you can see highlights in the video below, and a blow by blow description of this rock concert for the ages in the article linked down there:

Bruce Springsteen Giants stadium Farewell! (VIDEO)
my central jersey

Nearly 60,000 people turned out Friday night to help Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band bid a fond farewell to Giants Stadium in East Rutherford. To celebrate the occasion, Springsteen performed the fan favorite "Spirit in the Night" early on...

Bruce Springsteen Giants stadium Farewell! (VIDEO)

Posted at October 12, 2009 4:41 AM

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