August 10, 2009

"The View" Interested in Paula Abdul?

The news just finished breaking that Paula Abdul is leaving American Idol, but word is already bubbling that she might get recruited for another top show: ABC's "The View."

The Barbara Walters-led all female anel show has always been attracted to colorful personalities, and Paula Abdul seems like a perfect fit. Although we haven't seen Paula speak on politics and news events very often, so who knows how she would fare on the more serious discussions.

The official statement from The View, cited in the link below, is vague and non-commital, so maybe she will only show up in guest-hosting appearances. But Paula always brings wacky entertainment so I'd love to see what she brings to that mix. And maybe she'd be more focused and lucid at that time of day?

"The View" Interested in Paula Abdul?

"Could newly unemployed Paula Abdul be the fifth femme to join the ladies of The View? Why not! "We love Paula," The View's rep exclusively tells us. 'She was always welcome on the program in the past and always will be in the future.'"

"The View" Interested in Paula Abdul?

Posted at August 10, 2009 4:05 PM

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