August 24, 2009

Plane Lands On Highway (VIDEO)

A small plane landed on a highway this weekend, flying down into oncoming traffic but miraculously landing without any fatalities or major injuries. The plane had problems with its fuel, and had to quickly try and land on the California highway after alerting air traffic controllers of the emergency.

It's always scary to imagine being in a plane crash, but we have seen more and more examples recently of pilots who were able to successfully land a crashing plane without it leading to the ultimate tragedy. This landing of a small plane on the highway is not on the same level as Sully Sullenberger, but still impressive, and good to know there's always a shot that you'll be okay even if worse comes to worse. Makes me want to actually pay attention when the flight attendant makes their speech next time..

Plane Lands On Highway (VIDEO)

The Piper Comache 260 carrying a married couple landed on the southbound lanes of U.S. Highway 101 just outside Santa Barbara and a few miles from the airport, said California Highway Patrol spokesman Officer James Richards...

Plane Lands On Highway (VIDEO)

Posted at August 24, 2009 11:14 AM

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