August 18, 2009

Bollywood Star Held at Airport (VIDEO)

Controversy continues over the Indian movie superstar Shah Rukh Khan being held for questioning at Newark Airport, as he entered America for work.

Most Americans might not be aware, but Shah Rukh Khan is Bollywood's top star and one of the biggest celebrities in the world. So when reports came out that he was detained by US authorities it sparked lots of outrage and protest abroad, especially in India. Oddly enough Khan (who is muslim) was in town to promote a new film that is about racial profiling in the aftermath of 9/11.

Khan has recently said the incident has been overstated, and urged fans not to protest any further. And some reports indicate he may have been pulled out because of random screening, and not specifically targeted for questioning. But tensions remain, and this is an issue that will continue to arise as we try to balance the need for security with the possibility of prejudice and discrimination.

Bollywood Star Held at Airport

Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan said Tuesday he will cut back on visits to the United States, especially with his family, after he was held and questioned by immigration officials at a New York-area airport...

Bollywood Star Held at Airport

Posted at August 18, 2009 11:24 AM

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