August 16, 2009

1 cent hotel stay!

You're gonna be kicking yourself for missing this deal. One of the top hotels in Venice had an internet mixup this week, and offered some of their rooms for the unbeatable price of 1 cent (in euros).

Someone made a mistake in the web listings for their rooms, and even though it was only online for a short while, the Crowne Plaza got tons of hotel reservations at that insanely discounted price. To their credit, it appears the hotel will honor these bookings, unlike Best Buy who recently refused to honor sales of a TV that was posted at the wrong price. Hopefully the hotel can make up some of the losses with all this extra publicity they'll get now.

1 cent hotel stay!

A four-star hotel near Venice mistakenly offered the ultimate low-cost vacation: a romantic weekend in the Italian lagoon city for 1 euro cent. Not surprisingly, the Crowne Plaza in Quarto D'Altino, 15.5 miles (25 kilometers) from Venice, received bookings for the equivalent of 1,400 room nights on the night the rate was posted on its Web site, the hotel chain acknowledged...

1 cent hotel stay!

Posted at August 16, 2009 5:29 PM


Posted by: thomas at August 17, 2009 2:11 PM

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