July 23, 2009

Susan Boyle: The Impact of Fame (VIDEO)

Here's video of a very interesting Susan Boyle interview, where she talks about the impact of suddenly being dropped into into the madhouse of fame and celebrity.

Susan Boyle's story is so touching and inspiring, and also such a window into how people relate to stars and performers. When she appeared on Britain's Got Talent,what does it say about us that we all looked at her and assumed she couldn't really deserve to be a star? Why are we shocked when plain looking, working class people are good at singing? The same thing happened with Paul Potts, and the recent "chicken catcher" who sang beautiful country song on America's Got Talent. Why do we assume only beautiful people can be talented?

Whatever the reason, hopefully women like Susan Boyle can help change those assumptions, and open doors so that anybody with talent can have a chance. And hopefully the stress of fame won't be too much!

Susan Boyle on the Impact of Fame

For 23 years, Susan Boyle waited for fame to find her -- and when it did, the impact was "like a giant demolition ball..."

Susan Boyle on the Impact of Fame

Posted at July 23, 2009 11:57 AM

Thank you for all the publicity you have given Susan Boyle. I have never followed anyone's career ever, but when it came to be a fan of Susan Boyle, it's a no brainer. I love her music and it makes you feel so free and peaceful. She does have talent like Barbara Streisand and as Pierce stated, if she has 20 more years to sing, the world will not get tired of her. As a matter of fact, we here in the America's can wait to get her CD first, as promised by Simon Cowell to release it in America before Britain.

Posted by: Carol-Ann Nelson at August 2, 2009 4:38 AM

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