July 13, 2009

Sam Lutfi and Britney Spears Photos!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Behold the faces of the damned! And then repent for your celebrity gossip loving ways. Repent!

Sam Lutfi and Britney Spears Photos!

Sam Lutfi, seen here in these photos with Britney Spears, has filed legal papers in his defamation lawsuit against Britney Spears and her parents, Jamie and Lynn, claiming they have ruined "his life."

Lynne Spears' book, Through The Storm, about her famous daughter is a pack of lies, Sam Lutfi says, especially the part in which she says Sam told Lynne he was secretly grinding up pills and putting them in Britney Spears' food in 2007.

As a result of the book, "I am constantly in fear for my life," Sam Lutfi says in his lawsuit, not embellishing at all. Does anyone care about him in the least? As a result of the relationship made famous by many Sam Lutfi and Britney Spears photos, says he was "harassed and cajoled by the public." Does that mean us? If so, sorry Sam. We wouldn't harass you if you weren't sponging off our girl.

Sam Lutfi and Britney Spears Photos!

Posted at July 13, 2009 12:15 AM

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