July 30, 2009

Mount Rushmore Under the Laser

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You know the plastic surgery business is out of control when Jefferson and Lincoln are getting laser treatment.

Okay that's not exactly what's taking place. Actually the lasers are being used by an international team of scientists, to measure the exact shape and dimensions of Mount Rushmore from every angle. This will provide an exact record that lets us rebuild the monument if anything ever happens to it, and will allow highly accurate 3D reproductions to be made elsewhere, possibly smaller versions for educational purposes.

If I were a lesser person I would make a joke now about using these lasers to precisely measure Megan Fox. But *ahem* I'm not that person, so I won't!

Mount Rushmore Under the Laser

"The stoic faces of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln will never know what hit them. This fall, crews from Scotland and California will shoot laser beams at the Mount Rushmore National Memorial as part of a project to create a digital three-dimensional model of the iconic mountain carving from all angles. "

Mount Rushmore Under the Laser

Posted at July 30, 2009 3:20 AM

Mr. Reg Owen, ten years ago I lost my mother for whom I had served as caregiver for over seven years. We had become close and so her death was an immense shock for me. I thought at times that I could not survive the loss and I almost didn't.

While we are all different in many ways, there are certain things that we all have in common. One is the common need for spiritual uplift and joy in the midst of bereavement. I found what I needed in worship dancing at a nearby charismatic church. That group dances improvisationally to high quality contemporary Christian music and gets into one-on-ONE worship through dancing like I never before thought possible. The experience was transformational in the extreme.

I still vividly remember both my parents, of course, however that memory is no longer painful and I have a new understanding of God as my heavenly parent and close friend. You might want to give it a serious, long term try.

Posted by: ColinCody at July 30, 2009 8:24 PM

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