May 24, 2009

VIDEO: Deadliest Warrior, Shaolin Monk vs Maori Warrior

Another simulated battle of historic warriors, on video from episode 7:

VIDEO: Deadliest Warrior, Shaolin Monk vs Maori Warrior

On this episode the Deadliest Warrior crew tested several weapons for each opponent. For the Shaolin Monk the main weapon they tested was the twin hooks. I was blown away by the awesomeness of these swords. They pretty much were a pair of swords with the end coming to a hook that could be used slash or hook the enemy as well as pull away weapons. The handle and the end of the handle were also sharp blades and could be used as weapons as well. Perhaps the coolest feature was the the hooks could be wrapped together and swung around to increase the weapons distance to up to 6 feet.

When the Deadliest Warrior crew got down to testing the Maori weapons then I was impressed here as well. The tribal warriors had what would be described as a machete made out of stone and a spear with deadly barbs meant to break off inside their opponent. While these were definitely some very dangerous items they just failed in comparison to the Shaolin Monk steel based objects.

I do have to agree with the Maori representatives on the Deadliest Warrior in that the tests done with the weapons mean nothing when you fail to consider the training and heart of each side of the battle. The best Maori tribesman would probably crush a lesser Shaolin Monk and the same the other way around.I was worried that the Maori was gonna be named the Deadliest Warrior because they gave them the edge on all the weapons except the twin hooks...

VIDEO: Deadliest Warrior, Shaolin Monk vs Maori Warrior

Posted at May 24, 2009 5:19 PM

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