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February 2012 Archives

February 14, 2012

Jeremy Lin Game Winner 3-Pointer vs Toronto Raptors (VIDEO)

I guess Floyd Mayweather is 41-1 now? Linsanity knows no bounds, as the NY Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin continues his incredible rise from 4th-string backup to overnight NBA star. Tonight Lin scored 27 including 12 in the fourth quarter, and this game winning shot at the buzzer in the clip above. All he needs is to get the turnovers in check and we're straight.

Look for the Jeremy Lin Knick jerseys snapback hats while you still can, and for more insight see Angry Asian Man's list of good stories about the Jeremy Lin phenomenon, including this Time magazine quote:

"[The] embrace of Lin has made millions of Asian Americans feel vicariously, thrillingly embraced. Not invisible. Not presumed foreign. Just part of the team, belonging in the game. It's felt like a breakout moment: for Lin, for Asian America and, thus, for America."

Brother Ali Free EP Download: "The Bite Marked Heart"

My only contribution to Valentine's Day will be this new free download from the great Brother Ali, an EP featuring guest artists including Phonte from Foreign Exchange and Little Brother, and Stokley from Mint Condition. Ali always delivers quality material and I'm sure this is no exception.

"Brother Ali offers up a free 7 song EP for your listening pleasure. The Bite Marked Heart features Phonte (Little Brother, Foreign Exchange) Stokley Williams (Mint Condition), Singer/songwriter Nikki Jean and Aby Wolf. Beats provided by Jake One and Ant. Ali is currently putting the finishing touches on his 6th studio album Mourning in America and Dreaming in Color.

tracks 1,2,4,6,7 produced by Jake One
tracks 3,5 produced by Ant"

February 15, 2012

Mark Ronson & Erykah Badu on David Letterman "A La Modeliste" (VIDEO)


SuperProducer (and still a dope DJ too) Mark Ronson and Super-Everything Erykah Badu team up on the David Letterman show with one of my all-time favorite drummers, Ziggy Modeliste of the Meters, and members of the mighty Dap Kings collective for a live perormance of "A La Modeliste," from Ronson's RE:GENERATION album/CD.

About February 2012

This page contains all entries posted to hip hop music in February 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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