hip hop music

June 23, 2009

Ed Mcmahon and Hip-Hop (RIP Ed McMahon 1923-2009)

Sad to see this news. I grew up on Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon, and they were a big part of my childhood. I always identified with Johnny Carson, as an introverted person in "real life" who found a home in the media, and I always enjoyed his relationship with Ed McMahon on the show, and how they always held it down with their polished old school sarcasm.

A point that may seem random: as someone who's always been a supporter and lover of hip-hop, I've always remembered The Tonight show as the landmark of a cultural crossroads: the last representatives of pre-Hip-Hop America. On the Tonight show in the 1980's Ed Mcmahon and Johnny Carson were the last men standing as gatekeepers of a world where hip-hop remained invisible. It's a testament both to hip-hop's power and to Ed McMahon's longevity that he was around to see things change so much since then..

RIP Ed McMahon, 1923-2009


Ed McMahon, who steadfastly introduced Johnny Carson through the host’s nearly 30 year run on “The Tonight Show,” died Tuesday morning, NBC said.

Posted by jsmooth995 at June 23, 2009 11:54 AM

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