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May 2007 Archives

May 9, 2007

Big Announcements Coming Soon

Git It n Git

Yes, Tru South and Black People (the commenter named "Black People") are correct, it has become a ghost town around here. But that's about to change! I just finished my 3 month stint on the road for StoryCorps, so I'll soon be back to having no life and spending all day online. And I'll be announcing some major new projects here soon, so stay tuned for that. As you may be able to guess, the new projects involve a lot more of me yapping into a camera.

In the meantime, gotta acknowledge this Spasm of Lucidity* from Jim Jones, speaking out against the Rockefeller Drug Laws:

*(c) Marv albert

May 10, 2007

Hip-Hop Blogiversaries

Rare Radio

Before I forget, here goes a belated Happy Anniversary to the Rizoh. Our 4th blog birthday went by pretty recently but I never remember those things. Hard to believe it was only four years ago I searched for hip-hop blogs and decided I had to start my own, cuz I couldn't find enough to count on one hand. If I remember correctly it was Lynne Johnson, Hashim, and Jon from Hip-Hop Anonymous, and that was it (correct me if i'm wrong, fellow old heads). Four years later there's a brazillion of us doing it, and a slightly smaller number doing it well. Whatever small role I had in paving the way for that, it is an honor.


Does anyone know where I can find video of Spike Lee's Black Athletes Forum at Morehouse? Sounds like it got deep.


Looks like I will be taking a trip to London this year. Whose house can I crash at?

May 25, 2007

Is Curtis Nervous? Can Hannity Handle the Blastmaster?

Scully Reel to Reel
down on the reel to reel...

50 Cent moving his album back to September. Going back to regroup after both of his new songs bricked? They're both awfully stale to me, but then again I'm not the target audience.


KRS-One dropping science on Sean Hannity. Umm, I think. I can't even tell whether I agree or disagree with anything Kris says anymore, he just makes my head spin. But it's fun to see him have the same effect on Hannity.


The Stories About Bizmarkie blog. Very necessary.

About May 2007

This page contains all entries posted to hiphopmusic.com: in May 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2007 is the previous archive.

June 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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