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January 2007 Archives

January 16, 2007

VIDEO: The Men Behind the "White Rapper Show"

Okay y'all, we're back. 2007 is our 10th anniversary here, and I'm gonna be trying some new things, mainly adding more video to the site.

My first attempt at what the kids call "vlogging" is this clip of my interview with Sacha Jenkins, Jeff "Chairman" Mao" and Elliott Wilson, 3/5ths of a man of the Ego Trip crew.. creators of my favorite magazine ever (Ego Trip), two of my favoriite books ever (Ego Trip's Book of Rap Lists and Ego Trip's Big Book of Racism), and a TV show I never saw because I don't have cable (Ego Trip's Race-O-Rama on VH1).

But this month I will be stealing somebody's cable so I can catch their latest VH1 misadventure, "Ego Trip's The White Rapper Show," on which ten aspiring caucasian emcees compete for a chance to become the next Miilkbone. The crew came to visit us a few days before the premiere, and explained their master plan.

Apologies in advance for Elliott's face being blocked out, my cameraman was drunk. I hadn't seen the show yet when we did the interview, caught it since then but I'm still processing the many levels of absurdity. What do y'all think of it so far?

January 18, 2007

VIDEO: DJ Drama and the RIAA Snitch Test

On the arrest of DJ Drama and Don Cannon... by the way if you want code to embed this video elsewhere you can get it here under the "share" tab.

January 23, 2007

VIDEO: Black Coach

Just a quick shoutout to Lovie Smith and Tony Dungy, plus a little love for Herm Edwards. I got a little silly playing with the editor on this one.

January 26, 2007

AUDIO: DJ 3D's James Brown Mix

Video blogging shall resume next week, in the meantime here's one of the numerous tributes we've done for James since he passed, this one from 3D:

DJ 3D - James Brown set:

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About January 2007

This page contains all entries posted to hiphopmusic.com: in January 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

December 2006 is the previous archive.

February 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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