hip hop music

April 5, 2005


I just listened to Arular for the first time, and I will now make the most unnecessary post ever, just to make sure my blogville citizenship is not revoked.

Straight up love:
Hombre. Oh hell yes.

Like, but not enough to take Hombre off repeat:
Pretty much every other track. Except for the baile funk stuff which doesn't do much for me at all. But then again I was never into miami bass either. In fact (blasphemy alert) I wasn't even crazy about Planet Rock back when it came out, and thought then as I do now that 8th Wonder was 100 times better. Which may tell you all you need to know about my relationship with "authenticity." (or maybe not)

Cory Daye, Ghost and Dougie made much better usage of that:
Sunshowers.. I'd probably like it better without the chorus there evoking those comparisons.

As for the war to end all wars, wading through the wreckage to determine my position seems far less interesting than queueing up Hombre again. But feel free to change my mind in the comments section.

EDIT: This piece is pretty dope though. And it reminds the me that the person who first got me into blogging was Tamil, or Thamizh as she preferred. I wish she was around now to weigh in on this business.

Posted by jsmooth995 at April 5, 2005 2:59 AM

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