Hello, readers of Spin magazine. You may have been given the impression that this is some sort of cool new music blog, regularly updated with funny jokes and such. Perhaps I can keep you from noticing how untrue that is by linking to a bunch of other places where cool stuff is happening:
Prince just put up some tasty little concert clips on the front page of his site.
Nerve.com has decided there are not enough unreadable blogs in the world, and started a new contest to rectify this. But uhh, Nerve editors, I'm saying.. it's no surprise to find that you draw a lily-white demographic, but couldn't you have at least given us one person of color in this thing? Even Friends hit us off with some Aisha Tyler.
(in all fairness, I will grant that some of the contestants do not entirely suck)
Speaking of which, Richard Prince has the scoop on why Friends may be "NBC's Last All-White Sitcom". His page is worth a regular look for perspectives on race and media. Another blog steadily hitting home runs on racial issues is Prometheus 6.